Dual Lens Borescope
Texim offers the best of both worlds in a borescope inspection camera. As with a traditional video borescope, one camera allows you to examine the work area directly in front of the probe. The beauty of the Texim is that it also has a second camera, offering a side view picture of the inspection area. Switch probe, including dual camera lens with LED sets in one probe and effective solution for forward-view and side-view switching. You don't need the mirror set to be the 90 degree side view just clicking the button to change forward-view and 90 degree side-view quickly and easily. It is high technical tool with cost-effective solution for your inspection one probe with two cameras. No need to change tips or add a special mirror attachment. Switch from one camera to the other with the push of a button. Dual lens borescope has built in LED lights that are adjustable for optimal viewing conditions.