Texim International is a TAIWAN-based inspection mini cameras for multiple applications.
We have been making optically precise, professional borescopes for almost 20 years. As a manufacturer for a wide range of borescopes, videoscopes, and pipe cameras, we ensure professionals with the best products and most service life to meet customer's operation.
Texim International maintain the broadest product line in the remote visual inspection industry. That allows us to advise you on the Fiberoptic, right Rigid, and Video borescope for your specific inspection need. From NDT inspections of aircraft turbines to underground pipe inspections, Metal Machining, Casting, Welding, Power-Gen Maintenance, and Fuel Systems, we all offer suitable solutions.
Our technical consultant group, who will be available to chat online, or via email, will ensure that the scope you need will be dispatched to you as soon as possible and answer your questions you may have.

Texim International supply videoscopes to construction, barrel, security, oil, gas, automotive, aviation, vessel inspection, power generation facilities and welding industries all over the world to ensure working well.